Chain of Command

Ms. Pamela Borgert Official Photo

Ms. Pamela Borgert

Unit 14057 BLDG. 1600
Andersen AFB
APO, AP 96543-4057
United States

Mr. Christopher Nance Official Photo

Mr. Christopher Nance

Unit 14057 BLDG. 1600
Andersen AFB
APO, AP 96543-4057
United States

Ms. Merilee Debus official photo.

Ms. Merilee Debus

Unit 14057 BLDG. 1600
Andersen AFB
APO, AP 96543-4057
United States


School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Amalia Badua Special Education (671) 366-8579/1579
Amanda Buniag Special Education (671) 366-8579/1579
Maribeth Camacho School Counselor (671) 366-2177/2181
Samantha Diaz Attendance (671) 366-1511
Vera Elliot School Counselor (671) 366-2177/2181
Sherri Fedenko Information Specialist (671) 366-8569
Jennifer Galvin School Secretary 671-366-1188
Merwin Martin School Athletic Director (671) 366-5994/5996
Kristen Nagelhout Registrar 671-366-1511/1512
Madonna Spencer School Psychologist (671) 366-8578
Student Transportation - Guam Transportation Customer Service Hours: 0700 – 1100 & 1200 – 1400 DSN: 366-5467
Ivan Taijeron Educational Technologist (671) 366-2112
Sarah Vandegrift School Nurse/Health Aide (671) 366-2060

School Hours

Tuesdays are Early Release days

Regular Hours Tuesday Hours
Office Hours 0700 - 1600
School Hours 0745 - 1415 0745 - 1315

Arrival Dismissal Procedures


  1. Children in grades 1-6 should not arrive on school grounds before 0735. Children will be unsupervised if they arrive earlier than the established time.
  2. Students will report to their classroom when doors open at 0735.
  3. Students who arrive after 0745 are considered tardy and parents must sign-in them in at the main office.


  1. Students in grades PK - 1 are released at 1415 by teacher/aide at Kiss & Drop, Parent Pick-Up, or at bus. Students in grades 2-6 are released directly from their classroom at 1415.
  2. Elementary students must leave the school grounds as soon as they are dismissed. Students who walk are not allowed in the area where the buses are being loaded nor are they allowed to remain on campus.
  3. Parents who pick students up at school will meet their child in the school’s courtyard.
  4. Bus riders are expected to immediately report to their bus. School buses are scheduled to depart at 1425.
  5. Children who participate in School-Age-Care programs with the MWR youth center will report to designated area.

PK and Kindergarten


  1. PK and Kindergarten students who ride the busses will be picked up from their bus by school staff and escorted to classes.
  2. PK and Kindergarten students who reside on base or within the commuting zone will line up in the designated area. Parents or authorized siblings are required to remain to provide additional supervision until the students will enter the classes.


  1. PK and Kindergarten students who reside on base or within the commuting zone must be picked up in the designated area by parents or authorized family members or caregivers.
  2. PK and Kindergarten students who ride the bus are escorted to the busses by school staff.
  3. PK and Kindergarten students who participate in School-Age-Care programs with MWR youth center will be released directly to MWR staff by school staff.

Parents, please make sure your child knows their afterschool routine. It should be a routine, with very few changes.

Early Student Arrivals

  1. Students are not permitted in the school before or after school hours unless under the supervision of a teacher. There is no supervision for children before 0735.
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